Welcome to River Research Institute RRI Job Circular 2020-http://www.rri.gov.bd/
Today, 07 October 2020, a huge notification has been published in 15 types of 26 posts like River Research Institute RRI Job Circular 2020-http://www.rri.gov.bd/. The notification will be published on their official website that is www.rri.gov.bd. River Research Institute RRI job notice and Requirement 2020 in my website topcircularbd.com. River Research Institute or BPI is an autonomous national research institute working as a statutory organization that carries out research and plans water resource management projects in Bangladesh. River Research Institute RRI is the part of the government republic of Bangladesh. River Research Institute RRI is the most important authority in Bangladesh. If You want to apply River Research Institute RRI Job Circular 2020-http://www.rri.gov.bd/ through online you have to visit there official website .To get River Research Institute RRI Job Circular 2020-http://www.rri.gov.bd/ related information, you can visit our website that is topcircularbd.com.
Many job circular are available here. Our goal is to provide accurate information. To get latest job circular & job related information,you can stay with us. River Research Institute Job Circular 2020 has been given bellow.
- Published Date : 07, October, 2020
- Organization : River Research Institute RRI
- Official website : www.rri.gov.bd
- Post Name : See the circular image
- Qualification : See the circular image
- Number of job post : 26
- Age : 18 to 30 years
- Jobs type : Government jobs
- Salary : 8,250-53,060/-
- Gred : 9-20
- Gender : Both
- Apply Process : Online
- Location : Any Where In Bangladesh
- Apply Last Date : 29, October, 2020
For more information see below this original circular
River Research Institute RRI Job Circular 2020-http://www.rri.gov.bd/
Visit River Research Institute RRI Job Circular 2020-http://www.rri.gov.bd/. Click Application forms. Select post Name of River Research Institute RRI. Fill-up appropriate information. After fill-up information click submit button. Upload a photo and signature. Submit application. After submit successfully application forms. You will get a user name and a password. You should have payment. Thank for stay with us.
River Research Institute (RRI) a national autonomous organisation working as a statutory public authority under the Ministry of Water Resources. RRI provides very essential support services for sustainable planning, design and management of different water resources development projects of the country. The activities of RRI include physical model studies, determination of different soil parameters, quality control of different construction materials, analysis of water quality, suspended bed material and bedload sediment.
The major responsibilities of RRI as mandated by the Act 53 of 1990 are: (i) to conduct physical model studies for design of river training, river erosion control, flood control, irrigation and drainage activities and also for research works in the fields of river engineering, sediment control, estuary and tidal effects; (ii) to conduct Mathematical Model Studies in the fields of river flows and hydrological zones, hydrology, utilisation of surface and ground water, environmental aspects, specially salinity intrusion and water quality; (iii) to conduct tests on different construction materials used in the works of river training, erosion control, flood control, irrigation and drainage structures and also to investigate the quality of construction works and evaluation thereof; (iv) to conduct training programmes on the above mentioned subjects and to publish related technical journal and reports; (v) to advise the government, local authority or any other organisations on the aforesaid subjects; (vi) to co-operate with and to conduct joint venture programmes with other local or foreign organisations engaged in similar activities; and (vii) to take any necessary actions to perform the above mentioned responsibilities. Physical modeling facilities are available in RRI since its establishment. Very soon RRI will start mathematical modeling and for this, all the formalities are completed for purchasing the required software and hardware facilities. Since physical and mathematical modeling tools are complementary to each other. Both physical and mathematical model have been proved to be very essential for sound engineering judgments to find solutions for different water resources development project. In view of this RRI is trying to adopt hybrid modeling approach by using physical as well as mathematical modeling to improve the understanding of different water systems which may lead to safer and less expensive solutions for engineering problems.