Thank you for your interest in employment with the Bangladesh Institute of Bank Management Job Circular in Bangladesh. We sure that you will find the better information provided below. Bangladesh Institute of Bank Management has circulated job circular in recent times.This is your chance to share your story and connect with bank job field in our country. As a hoping for a job, you’ll represent your skill and qualification. Please note that resumes/cv send only not direct interview or other communication.
The need for a national level training institute was keenly felt in the early seventies to cater to the management training needs of the banking sector. The birth of Bangladesh Institute of Bank Management (BIBM) was sine-qua-non for the development of human resources of the banking institutions at that time. In the beginning, BIBM had to concentrate on the training of the entry-level officers due to the absence of appropriate training infrastructure in the banking industry. However, with the passage of time, it assumed the responsibility of imparting training to the mid and senior-level officials of the banking sector.
Bangladesh Institute of Bank Management is the most valuable institute in our country. Bangladesh Institute of Bank Management job circular related all information has been given bellow by image file and you can download this image file with the original circular. Otherwise, you can get Bangladesh Institute of Bank Management circular all information from our website that is topcircularbd.com. If you want to apply for this job, you can submit your application within the deadline.
You need to know before preparing for this job:
⦁ If you’d love to combine your work with your passion.
⦁ If you want to use your skills.
⦁ And if you’d love to work together with coworkers or team.
Position: Assistant Professor, Lecturer, Computer Operator
Number of vacancies: 05
Bangladesh Institute of Bank Management Job Circular 2020

Source: Prothom Alo, 26 July 2020
Application Deadline: 25 August 2020