B-R Powergen ltd job circular 2020 has been published by the authority. This is the latest job circular of B-R Powergen ltd . It’s an attractive job circular. A maximum number of people want to join in a good sector. In this case, B-R Powergen ltd has been created a great chance to unemployed people. It’s an attractive job circular. Anyone, can take this opportunity.
The power plant was put into commercial operation on 16 August, 2015. Since then the plant has been dispatching power to the National Grid as per NLDC’s demand. The dependable capacity of the plant as per dependable capacity test is 149.356 MW. The Company is now earning revenue and margin as well.As per audited accounts, the net margin of the Company during Financial Year 2015-2016 is about Taka 12.192 billion. As per Statement of Profit or Loss, the net margin of the 1st quarter of the current Financial Year 2016-2017 is about Taka 4.105 billion.
However, If you want to apply for this job,you should submit your application within 26 November 2020. BPDB-RPCL is working to provide electricity almost everywhere. B-R Powergen ltd job circular 2020 has been converted to an image file so that everyone can read easily or download this job circular. B-R Powergen ltd job circular 2020 has been given bellow.
B-R Powergen Ltd Job Circular 2020

Source: Ittefaq, 03 November 2020
Application Deadline: 26 November 2020
Visit Website: www.brpowergen.org.bd