Statistics and Informatics Division SID Job Circular 2020

In recently Statistics and Informatics Division job requirement SID Job Circular 2020 at official site This time job circular 2020 provide 09 new job vacancy available now. The www sid gov bd job circular 2020 is now most attractive for Bangladeshi people in our also regular posted latest government job circular. You will stay with us Statistics and Informatics Division Job Circular 2020 post.

Statistics Division established in 1975 and was tasked to oversee the Bangladesh Bureau of Statistics, which was formed in was renamed to Statistics and Informatics Division. The division abolished in 2002 and turned into a wing of the Ministry of Planning. In 2010, the division was recreated and in 2012.


Statistics and Informatics Division SID Job Circular 2020

Job organization: Statistics and Informatics Division
Circular published Date: 22, August, 2020
Name of post: circular image
Number of available job post: 09
Age limit: 18 to 30 years
Jobs type: Govt Jobs
Education Requirement: SSC/Graduate
Salary: 8,250-27,300/- taka
Online Application:
Application Fee; 50-100/- taka
Official website:

Apply Deadline: 30, September, 2020

Statistics and Informatics Division Job Circular apply proves 2020

Statistics and Informatics Division job candidate will go to the this for online apply. Fill up the all kind of information then apply this job circular 2020. I hope apply you apply this link.

to summarize Thank for stay with us Statistics and Informatics Division Job Circular 2020. If you face any problems to apply this Statistics and Informatics Division Job Circular, please comment us bellow the comment box. For for read our post.

About Sanjida Sultana 2206 Articles
Hi, I am Sanjida Sultana. I am the founder of this site. I regularly update all kind of job information of Bangladesh. I like to update all the latest job information regularly from daily newspaper and online job posting site.