Palli Sanchay Bank Job Circular 2021 has been published in daily newspaper Bangladesh Pratidin by their authority and to get this bank job full detail From topcircularbd.com. The Palli Sanchay Bank is micro credit lending agencies give loan to the rural poor either on a weekly or monthly repayment system, which is useless for the borrowers as they need to spend most of the money for the payment of grocery shops, Palli Sanchay Bank chairman Majumder told the Dhaka Tribune. He has been appointed for three years. The main goal of the Palli Sanchay Bank is to eradicate poverty from the country because the poor people, who will deposit money in the bank, will be able to become entrepreneurs. Recently the Palli Sanchay Bank hiring a new job holder of Position Database Administrator, System Analyst, Programmer, and Assistant Programmer. You can see this bank jobs necessary information such as published date, application deadline, online application link and process, salary, location, additional requirements, education qualification, and most important part original job circular image, etc. Check out and apply now!!
Organization | Ektee Bari Ektee Khamar |
Post name | See The Circular |
Type of Jobs | Full Time |
Job category | Govt jobs |
vacancy No. | See The Circular |
Job description / Responsibilities | They are looking for smart, well known, self-motivated candidates. |
Educational Requirements | See The Circular |
Experience Requirements | N/A |
Additional Job Requirements | Good Knowledge in the relevant jobs |
Other Benefits | As others Author policy |
Salary | See The Circular |
Jobs Location | Dhaka |
Age limit for jobs | 18 years to 30 years |
Job Posting Date | 27 Oct, 2021 |
Application start | OCT 2021 |
Application Fee | See The Circular |
Deadline | 04 Nov, 2021 |
Jobs Source |
Online |
Web Address |
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