NU Degree Exam Result

NU Degree Exam Result
NU Degree Exam Result

The Bangladesh National University NU Degree 3rd Year Result 2023 has been released. Mainly, this is the Degree Final Year Exam Result 2020. Today, the Result has been published for Regular, Irregular and Improvement Candidates. The Pass Rate is 57.58%. The Regular Result has been Published for the 2017 18 Session and the Irregular and Improvement Result has been Published for the 2016 17 Session.

NU Degree third year result can be check Online through the www nu ac bd results degree website. It can also be check by SMS. The NU Degree Result 2023 is now available on the NU Result official website www results nu ac bd. It can also be check through the www nubd info website.

The Degree 3rd year Result 2020 has been released first via SMS. So you can check your result by Sending SMS first. After that, you can be checking the Result with Details Marksheet and CGPA.

NU Degree 1st Year Result 2023

National University Degree 3rd Year Result 2023 has been Released Today. National University informed it with a Press released today. The Press Released was published on the official website www nu ac bd.

According to the Degree 3rd Year Result Notice, This is the Regular, Irregular and Improvement Exam Result for BA, BSS, BSc, BBA and BBS Pass Course.

There are Total 163277 Candidates has been Participated in this Examination. They participated from 1859 colleges. The Examination was held at 701 centers accros the country.

Bangladesh National University Said that, the Degree 3rd Year Result Session 2017 18 can be check online. It can be check through the www nu ac bd results website from 8:00 pm.

However, the Degree 3rd Year Result 2023 Session 2017 18 can be check by Sending SMS from 2:00 pm.

NU Degree 1st Year Result 2023

The Degree 3rd year Exam Result, which has been published today, this is mainly the Degree 3rd Year Result 2020. The Examination was started on 9 September 2022 and ended on 19 October. Later the Routine has been changed different times. Before that, the Degree Final Year Exam Routine was published. According to the Routine, The Regular, irregular and Improvement exam was conducted in different examination centers for different course of Degree Pass Course. So to get updates first visit :

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How to Check Degree 1st Year Result?

There are two different ways to check the Degree 3rd Year Result. You can check your result either online or by Sending SMS. However, the Details Result with CGPA can be check only online.

To check the Results online with Marksheet, you may access two official website of National University. The two website is www nu ac bd results and www nubd info. Let’s check your Result online first.

  1. Click here to Access the website.
  2. Now go to the Degree Tab.
  3. Select the “Third Year” from the sub-menu.
  4. Provide your Roll and Registration Number.
  5. Complete the Security Check
  6. Press the “Search Result” button.
  7. Directly visit
  8. OR Visit – Degree Result

Please note that, you can be checking your result without the roll Number. Results can be check only by the Registration Number. However, both Roll and Registration Number will be required when you will be checking your Degree 3rd Year Marksheet (CGPA) from the Consolidated option.

Degree 1st Year Result by SMS

National University Published the Degree 3rd Year Result 2023 session 2017 18 by SMS much earlier than the online. So it is recommended to check your result by Sending SMS first. After that, you can check your result online. If you sending an SMS from your mobile Phone, you will be received your result instantly. The SMS will be including the subject-wise grade and total GPA of 3rd Year. The SMS will not be included the CGPA and three-years result.

To know the Result by Sending SMS, follow the instruction below.


First go to your Mobile Phone Message option. Now write- NU <space> DEG <space> Registration Number and Send it to 16222.  For Example: NU DEG 12345678 and Send it to 16222.

Please note that, SMS can be Send from any Mobile phone operator like Banglalink, Grameenphone, Robi, Airtel and Teletalk. You are advised to use the Teletalk Mobile phone for the faster response to check the Degree 3rd Year Result 2023 by SMS.

Degree 1st Year Result Marksheet

The Degree 3rd Year Result Marksheet can be check online only. The Degree 3rd Year CGPA Result 2023 is now available on the Consolidated option on the www nu ac bd results website. Both Roll and Registration Number will be required the Result with Three year Combined Result with CGPA. To check the Degree CGPA Result for 1st, 2nd and 3rd year together, you should be follow the instruction below.

  1. Click here to visit the website.
  2. Now go to the “Consolidated” from the Degree Tab.
  3. Write your Degree 3rd Year Roll and Registration Number.
  4. Write “2020″ as Exam year.
  5. Complete the Security Check.
  6. Click the Search Result button.
  7. The result will be in popup window.

Please note that, if you face any problem to check the result online, try it frequently. Generally, National University Result Publication website face issues during high traffic when they published any result.

About Sanjida Sultana 2206 Articles
Hi, I am Sanjida Sultana. I am the founder of this site. I regularly update all kind of job information of Bangladesh. I like to update all the latest job information regularly from daily newspaper and online job posting site.