NID Smart Card Distribution Schedule Bangladesh –

NID Smart Card Distribution Schedule Bangladesh has been published for many districts. So far the smart card ID has has given in many districts. Rest of the districts of Bangladesh will distribute their national Smart card for the real registered people of Bangladesh. Many districts are going to provide their NID Smart card in this December month. The districts list has been given below.

NID Smart Card Distribution Schedule Bangladesh

New Voter Registration: Updating of voter list is an ongoing process. For the year 2015, if you are a Bangladeshi citizen, frequently lived in an area and … Those who already registered as a voter but need to migrate their voter area they have to fill up … A photocopy of ID card has to be attached with the migration form.

NID Smart Card Distribution Schedule of Bangladesh has been published for many districts. So far the smart card ID has has given in many districts. Rest of the districts of Bangladesh will distribute their national Smart card for the real registered people of Bangladesh. Many districts are going to provide their NID Smart card in this December month. The districts list has been given below.

How to get Smart National ID Card by SMS

SC (Space) NID (Space) Your 17 Digit NID Number and Send It 105 Number 

Example: SC NID 19785432345654345 and send 105

Note: If Your Card Contain 13 Digit, Then just add Your Birth Year Before of NID Number. Like Your ID Number 1234567891011 (13 Digit) Now You Just Your Birth Year Like 19871234567891011.

  1. First of all you can know the information from the online internet.
  2. To Check Online Information of NID Smart Card Click here: Online Check.
  3. To get directly information just need to call the election commission help line number at 105.
  4. To know the info by sms write down the format.
  5. New Voters who already registered but did’t get any NID card. They neew to write, SC <SPACE> F <SPACE> D <SPACE> date of birth by this format year-mm-dd and send to 105. Example:  SC F D 1997-01-01
  6. This is for those voters who have the olden voter id card but did’t get the smart card yet. They need to check by this format. SC NID 19785432345654345 and send 105.

How To Know The Distribution Date Of NID Smart Card Distribution Schedule Bangladesh

Everyone can know the information of smart card distribution date and schedule at their local election commissioner office. To get information there are three ways of knowing the info.

NID Smart Card Distribution Schedule Bangladesh

NID Smart Card Distribution

New Voters who already registered but did’t get any NID card. They need to write, SC <SPACE> F <SPACE> D <SPACE> date of birth by this format year-mm-dd and send to 105. Example:  SC F D 1997-01-01


This is for those voters who have the olden voter id card but didn’t get the smart card yet. They need to check by this format. SC NID 19785432345654345 and send 105.


NID Smart Card Distribution Schedule Bangladesh

  • First of all you can know the information from the online internet.
  • To Check Online Information of NID Smart Card Click here: Online Link.
  • To get directly information just need to call the election commission help line number at 105.
  • To know the info by sms write down the format.
  • New Voters who already registered but did’t get any NID card. They new to write, SC <SPACE> F <SPACE> D <SPACE> date of birth by this format year-mm-dd and send to 105. Example:  SC F D 1997-01-01
  • This is for those voters who have the olden voter id card but did’t get the smart card yet. They need to check by this format. SC NID 19785432345654345 and send 105.

If you can’t collect the information of your NID Smart Card then just comment below at our post and we will response as soon as possible. To get further information then please join our Facebook official group and get more updates and information about NID Smart Card Distribution Schedule Bangladesh

About Sanjida Sultana 2206 Articles
Hi, I am Sanjida Sultana. I am the founder of this site. I regularly update all kind of job information of Bangladesh. I like to update all the latest job information regularly from daily newspaper and online job posting site.