International Labour Organization (ILO) Job Circular 2023 has been published in the daily job announcement newspaper for the jobs seekers by their authority and to get form all of the essential evidence such as printed date, payment, submission deadline, job circular pictures, applying method from the best job circular website. Anyway, we would like to inform you that, the International Labour Organization is a United Nations agency that sets international labour standards and promotes social protection and work opportunities for all. The ILO has 187 member states: 186 of the 193 UN member states plus the Cook Islands are members of the ILO.
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International Labour Organization Job Circular 2024
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আবেদন করতেঃ এখানে ক্লিক করুন
সরকারী অর্থায়নে ফ্রি কম্পিউটার আইটি কোর্স করুন , কোর্স শেষে পাবেন সার্টিফিকেট ও ১০,০০০ টাকা বৃত্তি।
আবেদন লিঙ্কঃ আবেদন করুন
If you want to International Labour Organization other information to visit their official website which one we mention in the website section and download job circular image. However, carefully submit your application and if you want to apply by through by online click on apply button and another way to send your resume their address.