Vacancy notice careers at GBK Authority Published Gram Bikash Kendra Job Circular 2020. They has been published GBK Job Circular by their authority www.gbk-bd.org. We also posted Gram Bikash Kendra Job Circular and found in my website topcircularbd.com. Hot news perfect Time published GBK Job Circular Apply last date See inside details. All are interested and eligible applicants able to apply for Gram Bikash Kendra Jobs Circular 2020. Graduate, Post Graduate Pass Student also apply this Gram Bikash Kendra Jobs circular 2020.
Gram Bikash Kendra-GBK is a regional level non-profit development organization working in the northwest region of Bangladesh. GBK grew from a youth organization formed by a group of socially committed peoples. They had observed that large sectors of their community were being excluded from the mainstream economic and social development in post-liberation Bangladesh.
Are you fine new job Notice? We also published every day new job circular GBK jobs. Job Apply Form download link for GBK Job Notice board. If you also want to get a jobs in Bangladesh keep see image & reading below. If you also want to get a jobs keep reading below this short information. You can Also download GBK NGO Job Circular Apply
Furthermore Most of the job finder many times fined Gram Bikash Kendra NGO Job Circular in Google. Most of the job finder many times fined BD GBK Job Circular. You also want to get a jobs keep reading below here. If you also want to get a jobs keep reading below. Every time google update new Job. We try to all Job post such as Gov Jobs, Bank Jobs, Ngo Jobs etc.
Vacancy No. | 1150 |
Post name | See Job Circular Image |
Type of Jobs | Full Time |
Job category | NGO jobs |
Organization | Gram Bikash Kendra |
Experience | See the Circular |
Educational Requirements | SSC, HSC, Gradution Passed |
Salary | 36,500 BDT |
Gender | Both |
Gred | – |
Apply Process | post office |
Jobs Location | Anywhere in Bangladesh |
Age limit for jobs | 18 to 45 years |
Job Posting Date | 20 Nov 2021 |
Application start | circular image file |
Application Fee | circular image file |
Deadline | 29 Nov 2021 |
Job sourse | |
Web Address | http://www.gbk-bd.org/ |
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অফিসিয়াল ওয়েবসাইট: topcircularbd.com
Gram Bikash Kendra Job Circular for the new post. You have to visit there official website. You can also download GBK bd ngo Job Circular Apply Form here. If you want to apply GBK NGO Job Circular through you have to send your CV For there address. For next update about NGO jobs circular Notice, Exam result etc stay with us.