Bangladesh Youth Development Training Center Program Circular –

Bangladesh youth development training centre also known as Department of youth development DYD Has Been Updated a Department of youth development Training Program offer Directorate of youth development Computer Training Program circular 2021 APPLY NOW. Graduate Students Can Apply This Dyd Training Apply This Dyd Training Admission Program 2022

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Bangladesh youth development Training Program Details 

Not to mention, Candidates nominated from youth organizations will be given preference. The written application will be accepted in self-interest. Must be mentioned about the training received on the application form. If you are a member of the organization, you must write the name of the organization. The reasons for receiving training should be mentioned. Besides, the future plan must be mentioned. Moreover, The prescribed application form will be available from the Department Youth Development Training Notice website. Besides, you can get a free application form the Office of the Youth Development Officer.

To get department of youth development admission notice 2021 related all information, you can visit our website that is If you want to apply for this job,you should submit your application within 28th June 2021.

Department Youth Development Training Notice 2021

Organization  Department of youth development Bangladesh
Post name See Circular
Type of Jobs Full Time
Job category Computer Basics, Electronics, Graphics Design and ETC.
vacancy No. 19,345 for 9 Categories.
Job description / Responsibilities They are looking for smart, well known, self-motivated candidates.
Educational Requirements Minimum JSC passed and up to HSC passed.
Experience Requirements N/A
Additional Job Requirements Good Knowledge in the relevant jobs
Other Benefits As others Author policy
Salary See the circular.
Jobs Location
Age limit for jobs Minimum 18 to 30 years old from June.
Job Posting Date 9  June 2022.
Application start

15 June 2022

Application Fee 300, 2000, 1000. (See notice for more info).

05 July 2022

Jobs Source


Kaler Kantho

Apply Online

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In addition, Free to collect from the Office of the Youth Development Officer. There are good arrangements for submitting application forms for those who are far away. Two copies of all educational qualifications certificate, national identity card and birth registration certificate along with the application form. There will be a presence in front of the electoral board at the scheduled time for the meeting. The decision of the board of directors will be respected for the admission. Every student has to follow the rules and regulations of the center. All students will be present in the training center at the time. After training, be engaged in self-employment.

Department Youth Development Training Notice 2021

As a matter of fact, There are countless unemployed youths in Bangladesh who are countless. Most of them are not getting jobs according to the eligibility. Thinking about these, the government of Bangladesh has established a Department Youth Development Training Notice center in every district and Upazila. It is unimaginable to hire everyone. There is no alternative to creating entrepreneurs in this field. Do not look for the job of the mercenaries and should give attention to self-employment. This will create jobs in the field. Today the biggest problem of Bangladesh is unemployment. So, we should overcome it. In this case, public awareness is also important. To get better information, you can visit the official website of Department Youth Development Training Notice that is

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About Sanjida Sultana 2206 Articles
Hi, I am Sanjida Sultana. I am the founder of this site. I regularly update all kind of job information of Bangladesh. I like to update all the latest job information regularly from daily newspaper and online job posting site.