To get BCC job circular 2020 related all information, you can visit my website that is topcircularbd.com. Bangladesh computer council looking for young, energetic, proactive and honest people. if you think, you are perfect to apply for this job, you can submit your application. Bangladesh industrial technical assistant center job circular 2020 has been converted to an image file so that everyone can easily read and download this job circular. If you want to apply for this job, you should submit your application by Bangladesh Computer Council (BCC) is a statutory body under the Ministry of Posts, Telecommunications and Information Technology, Government of Bangladesh (GOB). এ সপ্তাহের ভাইরাল সেরা নিউজ দেখতে ক্লিক করুন।
Bangladesh Computer Council Job Circular 2023
It was established by Act No IX of 1990 passed by the Parliament. The main activities are (not limited to) encouraging and providing support for ICT related activities, formulating national ICT strategy and policy, creating standards and specifications of ICT tools for government organizations according to their necessity, working for human resource development in ICT sector. It has also established National Data Center for hosting all the government websites, e-mail services and web applications. It is the only TIER – 3 certified Government Data Center in Bangladesh. In the near future, it will act as the only Gateway to access internet services for all of the government organizations. BCC is continuing ICT infrastructure development of government through several development projects/programs to facilitate access to government services from root level. In this vision, BCC has organized workshops, seminars, training on subjects related to ICT and has established throughout the country UISC (Union Information and Service Center).
আমেরিকান ডিভি লটারিতে ১৮-৪০ বছর বয়সীদের জন্য ২০২২/২৩ এ বাংলাদেশ থেকে আবেদন শুরু হয়েছে! বাড়ি বসে নিজেই আবেদন ফর্ম পূরণ করুন। আবেদন করতে চাইলে নিচের DV Apply Now তে ক্লিক করুন।

আবেদন করতেঃ এখানে ক্লিক করুন
সরকারী অর্থায়নে ফ্রি কম্পিউটার আইটি কোর্স করুন , কোর্স শেষে পাবেন সার্টিফিকেট ও ১০,০০০ টাকা বৃত্তি।
আবেদন লিঙ্কঃ আবেদন করুন
Bangladesh Computer Council Job Circular 2023 Apply Online
Only the candidates who qualify the written test will be given the opportunity to participate in the oral test. All the candidates are required to produce the following documents at the time of oral examination. Original copy must be produced. 01 attested copy of each should be taken along.
- All levels of educational qualification certificate.
- Citizenship certificate.
- Certificate obtained from social service office in case of physical disabilities.
- Freedom fighter certificate of candidates applying for freedom fighter quota.
- Character certificate.
- Father’s ID card or birth certificate.
- Computer training certificate has to be submitted.
- Applicant’s Copy
Bangladesh Computer Council Exam Date, Seat Plan, Result
The Bangladesh Computer Council will announce the examination date, seat plan, and result on their official website http://www.bcc.gov.bd. As a reliable source of information, BD Jobs Careers will also share updates regarding the Bangladesh Computer Council exam date, seat plan, and exam results for 2023 in PDF format on their website. If you have any inquiries or questions about the Bangladesh Computer Council Job Circular 2023, feel free to submit your query in the comments section below. Stay tuned for the latest updates and important information related to the Bangladesh Computer Council examination.
Bangladesh Computer Council Jobs Posts and Vacancy
All communication related to the exam will be done on the mobile phone given by the candidate in the online application form, so keep the said number active all the time, read the SMS and receive instructions. It is recommended to follow immediately. Using the User ID and Password sent in the SMS, the candidate should download and print the admit card containing the information such as Roll Number, Post Name, Photo, Exam Date, Time and Place/Centre Name etc. Candidates must produce the admit card at the time of appearing in the written test and if passed at the time of the oral test, written and oral test will be conducted for all the posts. The venue, date and schedule of the examination will be informed by SMS to the candidates’ mobile phones in due course. Also published on Bangladesh Computer Council (BCC) website www.bcc.gov.bd.
BCC Job Circular Notice
The job circular requirements for justice jobs in the Bangladesh Computer Council can be found on the official website bcc.gov.bd. It is an excellent opportunity for individuals seeking government jobs in Bangladesh. For more information, please read the post carefully, as it contains a wealth of information about the Bangladesh Computer Council Job Circular 2023, including the BD New Job Circular 2023 and recent circular updates. Don’t hesitate to explore the post for further details on how to apply and stay updated with the latest job news from the Bangladesh Computer Council.
BCC Job Apply 2023
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এ সপ্তাহের ভাইরাল সেরা নিউজ দেখতে ক্লিক করুন।