BRRIHIGHSCHOOL Job Circular 2022 has been published. Bangladesh Rice Research Institute High School Job Circular 2022 has been published by the authority. Bangladesh Rice Research Institute High School Job Circular 2022 is good news for job seekers. All information on the Bangladesh Rice Research Institute High School Job Circular 2022 is available below. Bangladesh Rice Research Institute High School (BRRIHIGHSCHOOL) is a Government organization in Bangladesh.
Bangladesh Rice Research Institute Job Circular 2023
Bangladesh Rice Research Institute Recruitment Circular 2023 (BRRI Job Career 2023) has been published. BRI has published the recruitment on their official website www.brri.gov.bd on 13 September 2023. A total of 75 people will be recruited for 26 posts. BRRI circular 2023 interested both male and female candidates can apply online application will start from 14 September 2023. Through this post we will know details about Bangladesh Rice Research Institute (BRRI) Recruitment 2023 circular application eligibility, online application form filling rules, recruitment test, test date, result and admit card download etc. So let’s know the details in the light of Bangladesh Rice Research Institute Job Circular 2023. এ সপ্তাহের ভাইরাল সেরা নিউজ দেখতে ক্লিক করুন।
BRRI Job Circular 2023 – brri.gov.bd
Bangladesh Rice Research Institute is an autonomous institution under the Ministry of Agriculture. Currently Bangladesh Rice Research Institute job is one of the other government jobs. By doing BRRI job you can build your bright future. Bangladesh Rice Research Institute (BRRI) publishes job circulars from time to time for the purpose of recruiting numerous manpower in various categories. We publish all the government and private jobs news of Bangladesh on our website and discuss all types of job news in detail. Through this post, I have discussed in detail about Bangladesh Rice Research Institute recruitment circular. If you are interested to know detailed information about BRRI job notification then you can read the post carefully from start to end.
Application Start Time: Application process has started.
Application deadline: 05 October 2023 till 05 PM.
আমেরিকান ডিভি লটারিতে ১৮-৪০ বছর বয়সীদের জন্য ২০২২/২৩ এ বাংলাদেশ থেকে আবেদন শুরু হয়েছে! বাড়ি বসে নিজেই আবেদন ফর্ম পূরণ করুন। আবেদন করতে চাইলে নিচের DV Apply Now তে ক্লিক করুন।

Conditions for Applying to BRRI Recruitment:
1. The applicant’s name, father’s name, mother’s name, date of birth and own district and all other information must be written exactly as written in the online application form and later in the relevant certificate.
2. Candidates employed in Government/Semi-Government/Autonomous Organizations have to apply within the specified time limit after obtaining permission from the appropriate authority and must produce the said permission during the oral examination.
3. Age Limit 18 to 32 Years for Sons and Daughters of Freedom Fighters/Physically Handicapped Applicants.
Procedure to Apply Online for Bri Recruitment:
Visit http://brri.teletalk.com.bd/ website.
Click on Application Form option.
Select any one of the 26 posts and click on Next.
Select No then click Next again.
Get Bangladesh Rice Research Institute Job Application Form.
[Need to note, a color photograph and a signature photograph of the candidate will be required at the time of application. Before applying, keep two photographs with you. Image size should be 300 x 300 pixels and signature size should be 300 x 80 pixels. Image size should be less than 100 KB and signature size should be less than 60 KB. [BRRI Recruitment Online Application Fee Submission Procedure:
BRRI Job Application
You will get a User ID in the Applicant’s Copy that will be given to you if you fill the Bangladesh Rice Research Institute (BRRI Job Career) recruitment form online correctly. Application fee should be submitted using this User ID. By sending 02 SMS through any Teletalk Pre-paid Mobile Number Examination Fee Total Rs.667/-(Six Hundred Sixty Seven) for the Posts No. 1-8, Total Rs.556/- (Five Hundred Fifty Six) for Posts No. 9, 10- A total of Rs.334/-(three hundred and thirty four) for the posts mentioned in serial no.12, a total of Rs.223/-(two hundred and twenty three) for the posts mentioned in serial no.13-20, a total of Rs.112/-(one hundred and twelve) for the posts mentioned in serial no.21-26. Application fee should be paid through SMS.
You can submit the application fee by sending only 02 SMS from Teletalk Pre-paid SIM in the following method. Method taken from Bangladesh Rice Research Institute New Recruitment Circular 2023. Caught below.
1st SMS: Send BRRI <space> User ID to 16222
2nd SMS: Send BRRI <space> Yes <space> PIN to 16222.
Note: After sending the first SMS, you will be given a PIN number in the return SMS which you will use in the second SMS.
If the second SMS is sent correctly, you will be given a password in the return SMS which should be saved with the User ID. User ID and Password will be useful later to download admit card.
Rules for retrieving SMS in Bri recruitment:
Candidates can recover their User ID and Password from Teletalk Pre-paid Mobile number only by following the below mentioned SMS procedure.
If User ID is known : BRRI <space> Help <space> User ID & Send to 16222.
Example: BRRI Help ABCDEFGH & send to 16222.
If PIN Number is known : BRRI <space> Help <space> PIN <space> PIN Number & Send to 16222.
Example: BRRI Help PIN 12345678 & send to 16222.
BRRI Recruitment Exam Admit Card Download:
BRRI Job Career exam admit card or admit card download will be informed to the eligible candidates through SMS in due course. However, those candidates who are considered ineligible will not receive any SMS regarding admit card download.
Receipt of Bangladesh Rice Research Institute (BRRI Job Career) Recruitment Exam Admit Card will be intimated in due course on website http://brri.teletalk.com.bd/ and through SMS on candidate’s mobile phone (only eligible candidates).
All communication related to the examination will be done on the mobile phone provided by the candidate in the online application form, so it is recommended to keep the number active at all times, read the SMS and follow the instructions received immediately.
After using the User ID and Password sent in the SMS, the candidate will download and print the admit card containing the information such as Roll Number, Post Name, Photo, Exam Date, Time and Place/Centre Name etc. Candidates must produce the admit card at the time of appearing in the written test and at the time of passing the oral test
Conditions for Participation in Bangladesh Rice Research Institute Recruitment Exam:
According to the Bangladesh Rice Research Institute recruitment circular 2023, the recruitment test will be conducted in two phases. The two phases are:
Only the candidates who qualify the written test will be given the opportunity to participate in the oral test. All the candidates are required to produce the following documents at the time of oral examination. Original copy must be produced. 01 attested copy of each should be taken along.
All levels of educational qualification certificate.
Citizenship certificate.
Certificate obtained from social service office in case of physical disabilities.
Freedom fighter certificate of candidates applying for freedom fighter quota.
Character certificate.
Father’s ID card or birth certificate.
Applicant’s Copy
[ Photocopies of all certificates, photographs and other documents (if any) must be attested by a gazetted officer of the first class. The attestation shall bear the name, designation, seal and signature of the attesting officer]
BRI Recruitment Exam Time Table:
Written and Oral Test will be conducted for all posts. The venue, date and schedule of the examination will be informed by SMS to the candidates’ mobile phones in due course. Also published on Bangladesh Rice Research Institute website www.brri.gov.bd.
The institution, which is well-known at home and abroad as the main center and pioneer of rice research and technology innovation in Bangladesh, started its journey on October 1, 1970. Named Bangladesh Rice Research Institute (BRI)”. Located at Joydevpur, 36 km north of the capital Dhaka, BR is an autonomous organization under the Ministry of Agriculture of the Government of the People’s Republic of Bangladesh and one of the main pillars of the National Agricultural Research System (NARS) of Bangladesh.
At present, BR is conducting research activities through 19 research departments at the central office and a total of 11 regional offices located in various important agro-environmental regions of the country. Bangladesh Rice Research Institute conducts all research activities through 8 multidisciplinary program areas. There are 786 officers and employees working in the institute now, including 308 scientists.