BPSC Job Circular 2024

BPSC Job Circular 
BPSC Job Circular 

BCS stands for Bangladesh Civil Service, which refers to the civil service examination conducted by the Bangladesh Public Service Commission (BPSC Job Circular ). BCS is a highly competitive and prestigious examination that allows individuals to secure positions in various government sectors and administrative services of Bangladesh. The BCS examination is held in multiple stages and assesses candidates’ knowledge, skills, and aptitude to determine their suitability for different cadres, including administration, police, foreign affairs, taxation, customs, and more. 

BPSC Circular 2024-PDF

BCS stands for Bangladesh Civil Service. It refers to the standardized and competitive examination system conducted by the Bangladesh Public Service Commission (BPSC Job Circular)  to recruit individuals for various civil service positions in the government. The BCS examination is highly prestigious and is divided into several categories or cadres, such as administration, police, customs, tax, foreign affairs, health, education, and more. এ সপ্তাহের ভাইরাল সেরা  নিউজ  দেখতে ক্লিক করুন।

BPSC Circular 2024-Image

BPSC has published some news on various categories of posts. BPSC is one of the largest Government sectors in Bangladesh. BPSC has published a huge job circular by the Authority. We Publish all Jobs Circular Every day, Such as Government Jobs in Bangladesh, Bank Jobs in Bangladesh, Private Jobs in Bangladesh, International NGOs in Bangladesh, Private companies in Bangladesh, and Private University Jobs in Bangladesh. Bank Jobs Results, Government Jobs Results, Government University Jobs results in Bangladesh and all Part-time Jobs in Bangladesh and other educational support are available here on our website.

আমেরিকান ডিভি লটারিতে ১৮-৪০ বছর বয়সীদের জন্য ২০২২/২৩ এ বাংলাদেশ থেকে আবেদন শুরু হয়েছে! বাড়ি বসে নিজেই আবেদন ফর্ম পূরণ করুন। আবেদন করতে চাইলে নিচের DV Apply Now তে ক্লিক করুন।

Apply Online: bpsc.teletalk.com.bd

Apply Online: bpsc.teletalk.com.bd


Application Instructions









BPSC Job Circular

BPSC Job Circular

BPSC Job CircularBPSC Job Circular

BPSC Job Circular

BPSC Job Circular

BPSC Job Circular 2023-Apply

BPSC Job Circular 2023-Apply

BPSC Job Circular-Application Form

  • Application Start Time: 26 June 2023  from 10 AM onwards. 
  • Application deadline: 31 July 2023 till 05:00 PM. 

Candidates who have received the User ID within the said period can submit the examination fee through SMS within 72 (seventy two) hours from the time of submitting the application form online.

Conditions for applying for the post of BPSC 

1.Candidate must be citizen of Bangladesh and must have copy/slip of national identity card or online application for obtaining national identity card. 


2. Candidate’s age should be between 18 to 21 years as on 30-06-2023, maximum age is 32 years in case of candidates who are sons and daughters of freedom fighter/martyr freedom fighter only.

It is to be noted that as per the instructions of Ministry of Public Administration Circular No.-05.00.0000., dated-22.09.22, those who are 21 years of age on 25th March 2020 (only sons of freedom fighters/martyred freedom fighters- In case of female candidates age limit not exceeding 32 years) can also apply. No affidavit regarding age is acceptable. National Identity Card / Birth Registration Certificate (in this case copy/slip of online application for obtaining National Identity Card is mandatory) as proof of age.

How to Apply Online for BPSC 

    • Click on Application Form option. 
    • Select any one of the BPSC posts and click on Next. 
    • Select No then click Next again. 
  • You will get Jail Jail Guard Job Application Form from Jail Directorate.

[Need to note, a color photograph and a signature photograph of the candidate will be required at the time of application. Before applying, keep two photographs with you. Image size should be 300 x 300 pixels and signature size should be 300 x 80 pixels. Image size should be less than 100 KB and signature size should be less than 60 KB. ]

About Sanjida Sultana 2206 Articles
Hi, I am Sanjida Sultana. I am the founder of this site. I regularly update all kind of job information of Bangladesh. I like to update all the latest job information regularly from daily newspaper and online job posting site.