Al-Arafah Islami Bank Limited Scholarship Circular

Al-Arafah Islami Bank Limited Scholarship Circular 2022. Today Al-Arafah Islami Bank Limited posted the Al-Arafah Islami Bank Scholarship 2022 at find the AIBL Scholarship result 2022 on my website at how to download the Al-Arafah Islami Bank Scholarship result on my website new update. so keep staying with us Al-Arafah Islami Bank Scholarship circular post.

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AIBL Scholarship 2022

In continuation of this, under the scholarship program of Al-Arafah Islami Bank, online applications are invited from meritorious and educational students who have passed higher secondary/equivalent examinations in 2022 and are seeking financial assistance in the field of education:

The Amount And Duration Of The Scholarship

  • Undergraduate level: Term 3-5 years – Monthly Scholarship: 3,000 / –
  • Annual Grant (Money): For Textbooks – TK. 5,000/- (Renewable), For Costumes: TK. 3,000/-

So, AIBL Scholarship minimum educational requirement and all academic certificates. we are here to let you know all the necessary information about AIBL Scholarship.

  • Application AIBL Scholarship Start: in may 2022
  • AIBL Scholarship Application End: 02 June 2022
  • AIBL Scholarship Preliminary Selection list:
  • Submission last date:
  • AIBL Scholarship Result Date:

Moreover, scholars can build their careers with the help of the stipend. So, they can contribute as the employed assets of the country.

Eligibility for Al-Arafah Islami Bank Scholarship

  • Applicants must have to pass HSC in 2022 Required GPA:
  • In city corporation areas Science group applicants need GPA of 5.00 and the other (Business Studies, Humanities) applicants need GPA of 4.80.
  • Outside the City Corporation Area, Science group students required GPA of 4.80 and the others required 4.50.
  • Those applicants Parent’s annual income is higher than 2,40,000/- (Two lacks
  • Forty Thousand) 20,000 per month they are not eligible for this.
  • Also, the applicants who are already getting scholarships from other sources except the Government are not eligible.
  • Candidates who have passed from Rural and backward areas get a 70% scholarship
How to apply for the Online Apply Al Arafah Islami Bank scholarship

If you are an eligible candidate now apply for the scholarship below the circular image file. How to apply Online Apply Al Arafah Islami Bank scholarship steps by steps. bellow the all instruction follow the steps.

  • Candidates Who have passed HSC in recent years and those, who are fulfilled the requirement are requested to apply for this scholarship.
  • Applicants have to apply through
  • An incomplete application paper will be rejected.
  • Application paper will not grant via post office/direct/Courier ServiceApplicants must have to apply during the deadline.
  • Applicants who will finally select for the scholarship have to show the admission documents (Admission receipt) of any Government Institution.

Al-Arafah Islami Bank Limited Scholarship Circular 2022

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