Al-Arafah Islami Bank Ltd (AIBL) Offer a new job Al-Arafah Islami Bank Ltd Job Circular 2020 at their official website www.al-arafahbank.com. We are collect new al arafah islami bank job circular 2020 of their website www.al-arafahbank.com. al arafah islami bank circular 2021 is most honorable job for Bangladeshi. Many people are search Al-Arafah Islami Bank Ltd vacancies 2020. Today the Al-Arafah Islami Bank Ltd published many number of job circular. As a result topcircularbd.com give you all job notice Al-Arafah Islami Bank Ltd job apply procedure 2020.
Al-Arafah Islami Bank Ltd (AIBL), a leading shariah based islami bank in Bangladesh, It has built up an excellent reputation in the banking industry’s. Now it become achieving steady growth and providing diverse range of produuct and service to the customers. Al-Arafah Islami Bank Ltd (AIBL) has and employee friendly word environment, AIBL is looking ro young, skillful, creative , self motivated and proactive individual. Most of the jobless people want to build up their career in bank job circular 2021 now arafah bank job is for yours.
However, al arafah islami bank junior officer job circular 2020 open for application. The all arafah bank career is a islamic job carer in our Bangladesh. The job seekers also search al arafah islami bank dps detials now you can find full information in their officials website. See bellow the full job circular summary.
Al-Arafah Islami Bank Job Circular 2021
Organization | Al-Arafah Islami Bank |
Post name | As per circular |
Type of Jobs | Full Time |
Job category | Bank Jobs |
vacancy No. | See The Circular |
Job description / Responsibilities | They are looking for smart, well known, self-motivated candidates. |
Educational Requirements | Minimum Graduate with no 3rd Class/Division/Equivalent CGPA with Computer Proficiency |
Experience Requirements | N/A |
Additional Job Requirements | Good Knowledge in the relevant jobs |
Other Benefits | Attractive commission based on achievement of monthly business target, Quarterly performance bonus |
Salary | 16,000-53,060/- |
Jobs Location | Anywhere in Bangladesh |
Age limit for jobs | Age below 34 years |
Job Posting Date | 02 Dec 2021 |
Application start | 02 Dec 2021 |
Application Fee | 100 Taka |
Deadline | 09 Dec 2021 |
Jobs Source |
BD Jobs |
Web Address | Apply Online! |
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অফিসিয়াল ওয়েবসাইট: topcircularbd.com
Al arafah islami bank career Apply – career.al-arafahbank.com
The bank career apply process are vary simple. We are try to give all detials for this circular for more please visit officials website. Eligible Job candidate need Curiculam Vita, Two copy of passpot size photo, Nationality, N id card copy, all acedamic ceartificate copy send the following address.
Application must rech the “Executive vice president”, Human Resources Division, Al-Arafa islami bank ltd. Head office, Al-arafah tower, 63 purana paltoan, Dhaka-1000.